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Surico Alpaca Estate > Services > Fibre and Products

Suri Alpaca Fibre and Products


Why Suri Fibre?

Suri produce a rare beautiful fibre unlike that from any other animal. The best known suri trait is the outstanding natural lustre making it able to achieve effects in the finished product that require chemical treatments on other fibres. Less obvious to the naked eye the structure of the suri fibre shaft is very smooth with a lower scale relief than most fibres, this translates directly into the exquisite silky handle of the fibre.

What Surico Offers

At Surico we buy and sell raw suri fibre, offer classing and baling of suri fibre, process the suri fibre into yarn and products and have those products for sale.

Looking to the future

The future is looking great for suri fibre and Surico is involved in making sure it happens.  We always have several fibre projects on the go.

Read more about the latest projects

Need to explore your options for working with suri fibre? Talk to us!


If you're interested in suri fibre or products, we'd love to hear from you. For an obligation free chat, simply give us a call on 07-3322-362 or email us and we'll be in touch fast.


"Esta es la mejor calidad de fibra de Alpaca, la Suri, es sedosa, brillante, suave, más bella en realidad, esa es la que yo uso para mis diseños, me gusta, me encanta en realidad."

"This is the best quality of the Suri Alpaca fiber is silky, glossy, soft, beautiful actually, thats what I use for my designs, I like, I love actually." (Translated by Bing)

Carlos Váscones, Designer

Sell Suri Fibre

IMG_3932.JPGDo you have suri fibre available to sell?  Surico currently has fibre projects on the go and require more quality suri...

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Buy Suri Fibre

127_1.jpgWanting to buy quality suri fibre?  We have a range of colours perfect for the home craft person.

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Classing Suri Fibre

ClassingBaling2012_004.jpgIn 2012 we classed and baled over 2 ton of suri fibre from New Zealand breeders for our suri processing trial.

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Suri Products

SuricoProductsPort.jpgWe have a range of suri products made from our own animals.  Scarves, hats and baby blankets are all beautifully crafted using this unique fibre.

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